Whitepaper offering practical advice for Human Resources Professionals working within the Food & Drink sector explaining how to understand and interpret the new IR35 Reforms.
FMCG businesses should not throw the baby out with the bath water and implement a 'blanket ban' on the use of Contractors and Interim Managers. An area where Private sector companies could learn from is, how some Public sector HR departments dealt with the minority of Contractors engaged f
Tips for interim managers. Understand what your service offering is and play to your strengths. Don’t oversell your skills and experience as you will be found out which will damage your reputation. You need to be 100% certain that you can provide a service that delivers the objectives. Ensure you ar
As an interim manager, setting your day rate is an important consideration. Set it too high and you will struggle to land assignments; Set it too low and you could be earning significantly less than your worth.