Welcome to Interim Management Jobs

Discussion: How did you find your last assignment?

We asked our Network of Interim Managers how they found their last assignment. Here is what they told us:

1.         Mark Hendy - Professional Interim Management and tax practitioner

"As an established interim since 1992 I have built up a reasonable network some of which are Linkedin users, some are not. As usual, as I entered the final two weeks of my assignment I let my network know together with a copy of my updated CV. Despite my then current position as FD for an aerospace company my CV didn't grab the attention it was supposed to for another aerospace company who were seeking an interim FC so I took an offer of a three and a half month assignment to turnaround and divest a small engineering company for a FTSE small-cap engineering group. After that assignment was successfully concluded I learned that the aerospace company had still not found their interim FC and my Agent suggested re-submitting my CV. I suggested that the agent should include a copy of my Linkedin profile together with recommendations because I had a recommendation from the COO of the first aerospace company together with two testimonials from two of the staff who worked for me there. This gained the attention of the client and I was appointed. I am just reaching the end of a 9-month contract with them and I've picked up another recommendation for my efforts. What worked for me? Without doubt my recommendations."

2.         Martin Dorchester - Managing Director DSGi Business

"In line with Mark's comments. I usually start a little earlier in messaging out my availability, usually 4 weeks. Start to drop a chronological cv into selected providers, make calls to people that i have worked for, worked with and scanned the market. Most of the things link up to ongoing communications with friends, clients, acquaintances etc as part of avoiding famine and feast scenarios I also keep a keen eye on the job market to see who is recruiting as it is often a good indicator of potential opportunities."

3.         Geoff Major - Owner, BlueDucks Limited; Interim Change Management

"Personal recommendation or as an associate of a small consultancy have been the only ways’ I've got work ... apart from one assignment through an agency.

I can't say the vast majority of agencies impress me and (as I would) they will always return to their proven interims before they try a new one. As a 'distress purchase' I am also usually approached about an immediate start, so the sales pipeline can be extremely short.

I also find networking works better when you're in work, not when you need it."

4.         Darren Taylor - Acquisitions Director (Interim)

"My roles have come from a mix of networking & agency - the latest assignment being via an agency. In the interim world, I believe that you have to ride both horses. To keep your skills visible, you need to remind any potential "purchaser" of you & hope you hit the right timing of them having the need when you are available."

5.         Joanne Williams MCIPD - Human Resources & Training Consultant/Interim Management

"Not dissimilar to the above. A combination of networking & agency."

6.         Nigel Stocks - Experienced Finance Director and Consultant

"I agree with the answers above, a combination of agency and networks seem to work, but it depends where you think the boundary between consultancy and interim starts and finishes! As an experienced FD my personal network has resulted in several interesting consultancy assignments whereas agencies can get me roles beyond my current network."

7.         Tony Perryman - HR Consultant

"I agree it’s a combination of agency and networking. The most important thing for me is just keeping in contact with a wide range of people, ensuring that they know where I am in my assignment. I am an experienced HR Director, so over the years I have built up a diverse range of contacts, which are now beginning to pay dividends. This is my third year as an interim and I am on my fourth assignment."

8.         Ian Thomas - Managing Consultant at Casmik Ltd

"A combination of networking and agency."

9.         Denis Barnard - Director, HRmeansbusiness Ltd

"My last interim assignment was by referral from another client. Most of my assignments come this way or through network links, whereas shorter-term projects, particularly in the HRIS selection space come from a variety of agencies or other third-party bodies.

So far I have had a couple of approaches via LinkedIn. It's probably better to be here than not! I have not considered "cold calling" from information garnered on the site. I have, however, used the search facility to find a couple of experts who were needed by client companies of mine."

Thursday Sep 12, 2019